March 22, 2014

STILL IN RECOVERY from my cancer op a few months ago I find myself definitely not as energetic or active as I was. I suppose it’s just a matter of time until I discover how much time I actually have left. Of course, none of us know for certain that we’ll even still be here tomorrow. Be that as it may, I need to cut down my activities and so, as I mentioned previously, this space will occasionally be filled with ancient columns and other riff raff from my extensive files. Old friends will be aware that I published a tabloid underground newspaper in Manhattan in the Sixties, and although I have only a handful of these myself, I occasionally see others offered for sale on various websites. Recently I was paid several thousand dollars by a Dutch book dealer for a score of random copies, some of which could have been duplicates of the ones offered below. Among my contributors were Andy Warhol, Ed Ruscha, John Chamberlain, Charles Henri Ford, Michael O’Donoghue, Pol Bury, Tadanori Yoko-o, Robert Crumb, Tim Leary, Abbie Hoffman, Claus Oldenburg, Charles Bukowski.

Many thanks to David Platzker for the images and text in the Other Scenes slideshow below: