If you’re old enough to remember when a cartel of Middle Eastern states boldly jacked up the price of oil in the seventies, you’ll probably agree that that was an action that changed the world. But it was an industrial and commercial decision which, however much it contributed to increased prices and even the demise of some businesses, didn’t provoke much thought from the man in the street apart from grumbling about how much more he had to pay at the pump.
But take the subject of marijuana—officially named cannabis [sativa or indica]—a substance that was off most everybody’ s radar until the sixties, but is now so universal that even a closeted nun has doubtless met someone who smokes it. And those millions of smokers now have a different attitude about life and the way it can be lived.
Sections on the blessed herb’s political, sociological, religious, psychological, medical, and historical background are punctuated with scores of pictures, cartoons, graphics plus some great smuggling tales.
“As comprehensive a compendium as you’ll ever find.”
Available on amazon.com
Published © 2013